Source: RAVI N.S.A. The Hindu
VASTHU is the foundation that determines the strength of a site by identifying respective positions and sources of the elements of nature such as water, fire, soil, space or the cosmic spirit and air on the site. Let us assume that we discuss vasthu for an apartment that is located on the fifth floor. To assess thestrength of the apartment, we need to determine its position within the vasthu grid. Assuming that the apartment fits into a single grid, whose portent is fire, then it is subjected to the influences of fire or agni. Perhaps, you are too far away from air or vayu that can nurture fire and add to the positive qualities of Agni.
Let's go deeper.
Vasthu is a grid of portents that comprises facets of life such as knowledge, wealth, marriage and so on, on the positive side, and sickness, theft, frictions and financial losses and so on, on the negative side. There are 64 such portents you are exposed to. The complexion differs as per the function such as domestic use, office, learning and so on. All the portents are interlinked through a neutraliser or a pacifier called the Brahma Sthana. When we look at the features of a particular portent, we should not evaluate it in isolation. We must find out if a proper link is established to turn the same portent favourable or not.
For example, if positive agni were established through an unblemished Brahma Sthana, the events related to these portents would be favourable. A proper link of agni to vayu, on the positive side, can provide the pleasures and potency in sex life resulting in comfortable childbirth; on the negative side, the same may turn out to be indulgences outside the family, resulting in frictions at home.
Similarly, it can lead to availability of luxuries like expensive cars that result in pleasure of travel on the positive side or lead to accidents on the negative.
The sustaining power of the resulting portents is controlled by other influencing portents of vasthu. For example, when a child is expected, the qualities of Easanya on the Northeast determine the gender, health and longevity of the same.
Creation of vasthu grid
The positions of water, fire, soil, space (to capture the cosmic spirit) and air found in proper order determine the evolution of vasthu in an enclosed property. The proximities and positions with respect to compatible directions establish the strength of Vasthu.
Northeast is attributed to water; southeast is to fire, Southwest to soil, northwest to air and the centre to the Brahma Sthana. When the elements match the directions, you have created a solid foundation.
The positions of water underground in Northeast and fire in Southeast regulate the spectrum of solar energy as ultraviolet rays and infrared rays respectively on the eastern stretch. A water source identified in the Northeast is subjected to ultraviolet filtered water for consumption and the food cooked in Southeast eliminates contamination and food poisoning. So is the well in Northeast and kitchen in Southeast. Bathroom, in the east centre, fights germs and neutralises body temperature, provided you bathe in the morning.
Adherence to the above rules will ensure the blessings of the God of New Beginnings and Growth (Lord Indra) in the East, God of Career & Income (Lord Kubera - He has three legs) in the North, God of Abundance & Settlement (Lord Varuna) in the West, God of Accomplishments & Salvation (Lord Yama) in the South and God of Creation (Lord Brahma) in the centre. Lord Indra holds the lightning streak in his right hand and keeping a basil plant in the East acts as an earth against lightning.
The starting point of Vasthu is from where the front is identified. The front of Man or donkey or jellyfish is where the mouth is. The same way, the point of entry that separates your premises from a public space, be it a street or lift lobby or the floor corridor, is where your front is.
Identifying the point of entry with respect to the positions of elements of nature and the condition of the Brahma Sthana determine the state of life of the inmates.Out of 64 points of entries, which is yours? Every single cardinal direction has 16 sub-directions. If you assume your house faces east, remember that there are 16 easts, of which to find out the exact one, we need an exact compass reading, physically taken on the spot.
How on earth a person on the TV or the telephone is competent to guide you, just by asking you which general direction your house faces? The same way, be cautious of persons who want `only the sketch of your house'.
While seeking professional help, ensure that the person moves out of his seat or else (1). You are his/her yet another provider of the day, (2). The recommendations he/she proposes may result in disasters. We will examine the characters of directions later.
The author is a Chennai-based architect and geomancy consultant